Listener's Commentary


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on the New Testament

Study Hub

The Hub is the right place for you if...

  • You love the commentary but want more than the audio
  • You wish you had the tools and resources to dig deep into Scripture
  • You want to help others understand the Bible and grow in their faith

The Hub brings together:

  • Charts
  • Maps
  • Pics & Descriptions
  • Links to additional resources
  • Articles 
  • Guides
  • Special Studies
  • Opportunities for Q & A

It's all in one place to help you dig in and study the Bible for yourself

The Hub can help:

  • Pastors study for teachings and sermons
  • Small group leaders prepare Bible studies
  • Hungry Christians learn, live, and share the Bible

We’re so convinced of the power of equipping people to study the Bible, that your subscription includes

Instant access to all John’s online courses:
• A Beginner’s Guide to the Bible
• Bible Survey
• Bible Study Skills
• Core Beliefs
• Basics of Spiritual Growth
Over 13 hours of video based course content

How To Join the Study Hub?

The Study Hub is a great way to study the Bible for yourself and support this ministry. So it’s being offered on a “give what you can afford” plan.

Some may only be able to afford $5/month and others $50/month. Together they offset the cost and keep the Hub affordable for all.

Follow the steps to complete payment process:

  1. Fill in the information below and click “register” to join.

Create a church subscription to the Study Hub so that everyone in your church can access the
study materials. This is a great resource for
• Teachers
• Bible study leaders
• Discipleship groups
• Leadership training
Sign up and create a login to share with the members of your church.