About Listener's Commentary
The Bible is food for the soul (Matthew 4:4) and people are hungry for it. That’s why we created the Listener’s Commentary — to provide clear but thorough Bible teaching where people already spend their time – online.
Like a print commentary, the Listener’s Commentary on the New Testament teaches through entire Bible books paragraph by paragraph. It explores the historical context, culture, key words, and other details so that you can understand what the text is actually saying in its original context.
The Listener’s Commentary features the teaching of Dr. John Whittaker. John has been a pastor and Bible college professor for almost 30 years. He loves to teach the Bible in a way the connects with ordinary life. You can learn more about John and his other online Bible teaching resources at johnwhittaker.net.
This project is entirely crowdfunded and made possible by the generosity of our supporters. Thank you! To support this work visit the donation page here.