Basics Of Spiritual Growth
18 Videos
Lesson 1: What is spiritual growth?
Lesson 2: Grace and spiritual growth
Lesson 3: Spiritual growth doesn't happen on accident
Lesson 4: Recap - Spiritual growth happens in the circle of grace
Lesson 5: Practices for spiritual growth
Tab #1
Tab #1
Lesson 1: Who Is God?
Lesson 2: What Is God Like?
Lesson 3: What Does It Mean To Be Human?
Lesson 4: What Is The Purpose Of Life?
Lesson 5: What's Wrong With The World?
Lesson 6: How Does God Respond?
Lesson 7: Who Is Jesus?
Lesson 8: What Does Jesus' Death Accomplish?
Lesson 9: How Can You Be Saved?
Lesson 11: How Do You Walk By the Spirit?
Lesson 12: What Is the Trinity?
Lesson 13: What Is the Church? pt. 1
Lesson 14: What Is the Church? pt. 2
Lesson 15: What Is the Mission of the Church?
Lesson 17: Where Is History Going? pt. 2
About the Teacher

John Whittaker
John has been a pastor for over 30 years and Bible college professor for over 20 years. His passion is bringing the Bible to life and connecting the Bible with life, so that people can walk with God.